25th of August, 2021
9:00 – 13:00 and 16:00 – 20:00 EEST TIME ZONE
We are delighted to welcome you to the 2nd KEEN PhD Colloquium “Relational Strategies for Sustainable Digital Entrepreneurship” organized by KEEN partnership: Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Cranfield University, United Kingdom, University of Wuppertal, Germany, and University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
The second KEEN Forum PhD Colloquium offers a unique opportunity for doctoral students to present their research and receive constructive feedback on their research projects and guidance how to develop it further.
The colloquium will include keynote presentations by leading scholars Professor Dr. Tugrul Daim (Portland State University) and Associate Professor Dr. Charlotta Sirén (University of St. Gallen), parallel track presentations, a practical presentation practical presentation on how to publish your research during the PhD studies will be led by Barbara Schmidt and Dr. Henrik Wesemann (St. Gallen University) and networking session. In addition, the format of the KEEN Forum PhD Colloquium will have a session facilitator to provide supportive discussion among the doctoral students and participating researchers. Selected submissions will be published in e-proceedings of the 2nd KEEN PhD Colloquium.
The KEEN Phd Colloquium covers the following topics (not exclusive):
Topic 1: Micro foundations of digital entrepreneurship
Topic 2: Inter organisational collaboration, relational strategies and digital SMEs competitiveness
Topic 3: Big data, marketing analytics and SMEs marketing capabilities
Topic 4: Sustainable value creation, business models and digital entrepreneurship
Topic 5: Circular economy and digital entrepreneurship
Topic 6: Competitive dynamics and digital entrepreneurship
Topic 7: Digital innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems
Research projects on any of these or other topics are welcome.
KEEN PhD Colloquium 2021 will empower you to:
| develop presentation and critical thinking skills;
| exchange knowledge and initiate discussions;
| receive constructive feedback (oral and verbal) on their work and how to improve it from leading academics in a comfortable environment;
| learn from and alongside one another;
| listen keynote speech provided by leading scholars and be inspired;
| expand your network via a virtual space enabled by Wonder.me;
| win a KEEN Best abstract Award.
Submission Requirements
An abstract proposal should contain 1,000 words. Senior researchers including PhD supervisors may be co-authors, but PhD students must be the lead author and present the abstract at the conference.
Students interested in participating in the 2nd KEEN Forum PhD Colloquium are requested to submit their an extended abstract with the following information:
| An introduction to the research: research motivations, research question and aim, theoretical background;
| Method used: expected results and theoretical and managerial contributions.
Please add keywords (4-6) and submit your abstract (without author/s information) via a system by July 26, 2021.
Deadline: 26 July 2021
For more information on the call please visit https://keenforumphd.ktu.edu/.